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Friday, October 29, 2010

The Role of Financial Institutions in Helping Businesses Bloom

Every country depends on its economy, without a strong economy nations struggle to fight poverty and inflation. Having a strong economy means providing opportunities for growth and development of small industry and new businesses. Financial institutions by no doubt play a major role in the growth and development of small to mid size businesses, mainly due to the fact that it is these financial institutes that decide on the loans and the interest rates thus enabling business owners to make business decisions based on their approved loans. Considering the recent financial crunch several businesses have survived with the help of loans from financial institutes. Despite the presence of credit unions and financial brokers, commercial banks are most important in establishing and developing small businesses since banks provide not just credit but deposit and transaction services too. Banks act as financial intermediaries, they gather and produce information about borrowers and monitor them over time which allows banks to offer better incentives and financial products. Several sound projects are drained by small firms due to lack of funds, however financial institutes help businesses by providing funds for such projects. Late payments and bad debt are two of the most common causes of business failure in the UK, hence banks offer several different financial products to choose from.
Corporate Asset Finance offers an extensive range of financial solutions for all business requirements with extensive knowledge in a variety of industries, including asset acquisition and vendor schemes for manufacturers.
Beer & Partners is the leading source of Venture Capital and Business Angel Investment for growing businesses in the UK. They help with investor meetings and negotiations along with a wide range of financial products.
Barclays Bank offers different financial products to businesses. The bank offers startup businesses with a free account for up to 2 years, while existing businesses get a work with their own local business manager. Barclays Bank offers free marketing, legal and accounting advice, free seminars and workshops and business skills training, and free CreditFocus. CreditFocus is a comprehensive and easy-to-use online credit management service that protects businesses by checking, monitoring and chasing the businesses they trade, thus protecting them from bad debt and late payments.
The role of financial institutions in helping businesses bloom therefore is not just restricted to loans and interest rates but by offering several financial products to help establish new businesses and help large scale businesses avoid bad debt and bankruptcy.

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