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Friday, October 29, 2010

use of the financial markets work to promote energy conservation - energy conservati

Energy resources, protecting the environment is to maintain the economic health of the basic conditions for sustainable development is to promote harmony between man and nature, build a socialist harmonious society important, insist on people first, to implement the scientific concept of development of specific expression.
  CPC Central Committee and State Council attached great importance to energy saving and emission reduction, has made a series of important decisions and plans. This year in May, the State Council and issued a "comprehensive energy conservation program of work" and to attach great importance to implement the plan, to further enhance energy conservation and emission reduction; in June, the formal establishment of the State Council Leading Group of energy saving and emission reduction, Premier Wen person in command. This indicates that increase energy conservation and emission reduction is before us a very important priority.
Financial system should always attach great importance to saving energy and financial services, conscientiously implement the State Council held a teleconference on energy saving. We should also strengthen financial institutions, from environmental protection and energy savings in the areas of social responsibility and risk prevention awareness, build effective information mechanism, and the environmental carrying capacity to match the capacity allocation to the market and policy support, the rationale Soon the price to play the role of the market based on angles, the use of financial markets to encourage and guide the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure and economic growth pattern.
First, strengthen financial institutions in environmental protection and energy saving aspects of social responsibility and awareness of risk prevention
Recent years, China's rapid economic growth, the construction has made great achievements, but also put in a lot of resources and environmental costs, economic development and resources and the environment conflicts intensify, the people reacted strongly to the environmental problems. This situation and the unreasonable economic structure, are directly related to the extensive growth mode. Do not speed up restructuring, transformation of economic growth, sustained economic growth difficult to sustain. 1995 submitted by the United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan, the UN launched in 2000 "Global Agreement" clearly a corporate commitment to the environment of social responsibility and environmental challenges that enterprises should take precautions, should take the initiative to increase environmental protection responsibilities, to encourage non- harmful environmental technology development and promotion of content.
Today, on the protection of the environment, building a harmonious society and realizing sustainable development has become a whole community. Financial institutions should fully recognize the importance of energy conservation, and urgency of environmental protection and energy saving firmly establish the sense of social responsibility. Efforts to guide financial markets, financial institutions in building a resource saving and environment friendly society to play an active role in promoting economic restructuring and growth pattern, and promote economic development.
Commercial financial institutions in the face of environmental and energy consumption reduction when customers have problems, there must be awareness of risk. Read from the first quarter of this year, industry, particularly high energy consumption and high pollution industry, rapid growth, accounting for the country's industrial energy consumption and sulfur dioxide emissions nearly 70% of the electricity, steel, nonferrous metals, building materials, petrochemical, chemical and other major industry growth of 20.6 6 %, an acceleration of 6.6 percentage points. State Department explicitly asked the high energy consumption, high pollution and the excessive growth of the industry. As the policy-oriented adjustments, the sound legal system and increasing the degree of supervision and inspection of law enforcement do not meet the requirements of environmental protection and energy saving industries and enterprises will face more stringent policy environment. Financial institutions should deal with corporate clients such policies risk awareness, from the perspective of improving the quality of credit assets, should be on the high energy consumption, high pollution and high emissions to be behind the company's credit risk sufficient vigilance.
Second, we must establish a conducive environment protection and energy saving information system First, to strengthen window guidance credit policy. To implement the State Council's "comprehensive energy conservation program of work", the People's Bank, the relevant regulatory authorities and banking associations to strengthen the publicity guidance, suggesting that financial institutions issuing credit to fully consider how to control high energy consumption and high pollution industry, too rapid growth, accelerate the elimination of backward production capacity, the full implementation of key energy saving projects and promote energy conservation science and technology, highlight key enterprises improve energy conservation and vigorously develop the circular economy, and effectively improve the quality of credit assets.
Second, emissions and environmental law to corporate information and gradually into the enterprise credit system. In recent years, from the collection of credit information sharing banks started to adopt the banking credit system and gradually expand the scope of credit information has been gradually include business and personal credit, credit information and certain other information, is currently considering related to corporate emissions and environmental behavior of the relevant information. In the future, credit information system will further strengthen the tracking of key enterprises in energy conservation, and further credit for financial institutions to provide services to continuously improve the quality of assets of financial institutions; for the government, enterprises and individuals provide inquiry services, strengthen environmental protection energy conservation law enforcement.
Third, financial markets and the environmental carrying capacity to adapt to the capacity of re-configuration support
In recent years, due to the rapid development of a large number of manufacturing industries, China's eastern coastal environmental carrying capacity in some areas close to the limit. At the same time, less developed western region, industry, lack of funds nowadays. From a global perspective, the least developed countries and regions also very much hope that the international transfer of industry support. Therefore, promoting the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure and production capacity according to capacity of the environment for re-allocation has been a priority. Of course, in capacity re-allocation process, to avoid taking the old path of pollution first and then treatment.
In this capacity reallocation process, financial markets and the financial policies are likely to play a supporting role, widening financing channels, improve foreign exchange management, improve security support, and support businesses to better identify and play to their comparative advantage for enterprises "going out" to provide hybrid loans, syndicated loans, asset securitization, stocks, bonds and project finance and other financial instruments and financial markets continue to deepen reform of foreign investment in foreign exchange management, etc., for business and financial institutions greater capacity within the optimal allocation of environmental adaptation of the service.
4, straighten out the prices of resources and the environment play a role in the regulation of the market mechanism
First, the price mechanism into full play the role. By actively promoting the reform of resource prices, price liberalization, control, rationalize coal, refined oil, natural gas, water, electricity, mineral resources, the price, raise the standard means of sewage collection, using the price mechanism, through Bijiaxiaoying, the effect of high pollution, high energy consumption, high emission projects to promote environmentally friendly and conducive to energy saving off new technology

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